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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wells Visits Portrait Shoppe!

Can you believe it’s almost March?!? Wells is turning the corner on SEVEN months old this weekend.  Even saying that out loud sounds crazy… time is really flying by! Last week I brought him into Portrait Shoppe for new portraits. He did awesome (mainly because Shelly was playing peek-a-boo with him from behind the camera- he loves that game!)

Being the typical Mom that I am, I had to share the finished product with everyone! And as you can see, he can sit up very well on his own now. (Go Wells!) Oh-yeah, and any day now he should be crawling so things should be getting interesting… enjoy the portraits! 


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dust off that camera and come to our Photography Training Class!

Who’s ready to actually learn how to use their camera at home? I know I am! I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of not capturing those special moments at home with my own camera because the pictures don’t turn out how I’d hoped.

Thankfully our senior photographer, Shelly, will be giving us all some tips that will have us well on our way to sprucing up our photography skills!  Join us for our Photography Training Class here at the Portrait Shoppe! Here are the specifics….

·        When:  Saturday, February 26th from 11-1
·        Where:  The Portrait Shoppe of course!
·        Who: Anyone and Everyone! (Don’t worry all you beginners out there- all skill levels are welcome!)
·        Cost: FREE for UKC members and $49 for anyone else that would like to join us!  Don’t forget, this includes a catered lunch as well as our photographer’s awesome class.
·        How: Just call us at the Portrait Shoppe, (859)277-6671, and we will sign you up today!  Or click here to register via email!

I know we all wish Shelly could come over and personally photograph all of our kid’s milestones/holidays/birthdays/etc., (well, at least I know I do!), but since that can’t happen, the next best thing is for her to teach us how she gets those awesome portraits of our children.

You don’t want to miss this!! See you there : )
