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Monday, January 19, 2009

Remodeling: part 1

So, now that the Christmas season has come and gone, it's time for photographers one and all to do a little pre-spring cleaning. Once spring arrives we are all too sick with cabin fever and start taking photographs of the great outdoors, so cleaning is now or never! We are making some decorative changes here at the Portrait Shoppe, including a total redecoration of our dressing room. Take a look at some of the work that is already under way!

[caption id="attachment_18" align="alignnone" width="288" caption="The dressing room under construction!"]The dressing room under construction![/caption]

We're decorating with a Honey, I shrunk the Kids theme - the idea is that the grass and bugs and everything are huge. Those legs in the mirror belong to Ryan, one of our photographers...you'd think he'd had thought to get out of the way for the picture, you know, being a photographer and all. ;-)

[caption id="attachment_19" align="alignnone" width="216" caption="Painting Away"]Painting Away[/caption]

Painting can be messy, as evidenced by the lovely rainbow design on the front of the artist's shirt. And check out the bunnies - don't they look AWESOME!

[caption id="attachment_20" align="alignnone" width="216" caption="Linda, our resident artist"]Linda, our resident artist[/caption]

This lady is the talent and brains behind Project Dressing Room - she rocks! We almost caught a picture of her, but she closed her eyes at the last second...obviously we put it up anyway. :-)

[caption id="attachment_21" align="alignnone" width="288" caption="Hard at Work"]Hard at Work[/caption]

Linda, doing a smashing job!

[caption id="attachment_22" align="alignnone" width="288" caption="The Brush is mighter than the Hammer"]The Brush is mighter than the Hammer[/caption]

These are some of the artist's tools. It makes us glad we are photographers and don't need to use that much stuff!

[caption id="attachment_23" align="alignnone" width="288" caption="flowers and grasses and bees - Oh My!"]flowers and grasses and bees - Oh My![/caption]

A sample of the decoration - these flowers bloom above the doorway, and that's an unfinished bee up there. We can't wait until it's finished - it's going to beeee-utiful! (ba dum ching!)

We are really excited about this room - Linda is a masterful designer and is doing a tremendous job with it! Keep checking back for updates as the Portrait Shoppe continues with its makeover, and be especially on the lookout for the completion of Project Dressing Room.

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