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Friday, January 30, 2009

Snowed Out!

Whoa! Are you sure we're still in Kentucky?!?! What an incredible ice storm we had! This past Tuesday and Wednesday we closed up shoppe, which is a very rare occurrence for us, due to the fact that all of Central Kentucky was buried under an inch of solid ice. (Of course, if you live anywhere near Central Kentucky you have your own intimate knowledge of the storm...that is, unless you live in a cave or something.) Some of us at the Portrait Shoppe even lost power to our homes because of downed tree branches taking out power lines as they crashed. Hopefully you had heat, lights, and water during this storm.


This wasn't the first time the snow got to us, either. Back in December poor Shelly (one of our photographers) had to drive in the snow and freezing rain to get to Hamburg (a 20 minute drive that took 50 minutes) so she could set up a display in Babies 'R' Us. As evidenced by the photograph below her table was lovely, attention grabbing, the epitome of display tables...but you missed it; so did the rest of the world. Because only 3 people walked into the store during the entire 2 hours Shelly was sitting there...all by herself...at her beautiful table.

brufairytable1What are your most loved snow adventures? Post them in the comments below - we'd love to hear your favorite stories of kids and snow and bad weather! Best story gets a complimentary kudos and a big thumbs up - from us!

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