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Saturday, May 30, 2009

Easter '09

We had an AWESOME time this  past Easter! The kids all had such a great time playing with the bunnies and the lamb this year, and they all looked super-cute!


Every session was special, each child brought something unique and wonderful to the images. You can see from the few we have here that they were all so different, and so special.


Our Lamb was named Joey (we're not sure how we picked Joey, but it worked) - he was only 1 week old during the portraits! What a trooper - he lasted through every single portrait session (and the kids thought they had a hard time!). Normally we get 2 lambs, but because Easter was a little later this year, the lambing season was almost over and we were lucky to get this little guy. We were definitely sad to see him go after that weekend.


We had two bunnies this year also. Their names were Siegfried (Ziggy) and Smidge. Smidge was appropriately named because he was only a dwarf. Once during a session with him, one of our clients asked, "he's not going to get much bigger, is he?" And Shelly responded, "maybe just a smidge." Thus, the birth of the name Smidge - most of the time he rode around in the pocket of Shelly's sweatshirt! We got to enjoy them for a couple of weeks. All the kids loved them too!


The kids were amazing this year - they were well behaved, fun, energetic...just overall it was a great group of little people!

Thank you so much for making this a spectacular Easter! We would love to see you all back again next season!

We were given a special treat this particular Easter - Brian's mom Erin took a picture of the photographers with Joey the lamb! This is a picture of Brian (isn't he just adorable?!), his mom Erin, Shelly and Ryan (the two Portrait Shoppe Photographers), and Joey the star of the weekend! Thanks Brian and Erin for this cool gift!


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