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Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Pirates of the Portrait Shoppe continue their reign of terror!


THIS JUST IN: One of the pirates, a dangerous looking bloke who, as best we can tell, is called "The Dread Pirate Ryan," seems to have recently recruited a first-mate. This new buckaneer looks to be even more dread than Ryan himself. Our advice: stay in your house! Lock your doors! If these pirates continue their rampage at the Portrait Shoppe there's no telling what could become of all our children!

The Dread Pirate Ryan Himself
The More Dread Pirate Erika!
As a famous king of England once said in a movie, "Run Away! RUN AWAY!"

I don't know what's worse - the fact that there are pirates running amok in Lexington, or that they're taking photos of one another!

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