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Monday, September 14, 2009

PS in PJ's

September is underway - and so is our crazy dress up plan for the month! If you didn't stop by last week you missed what was sure to be the most natural and comfortable of all of our theme weeks - Pajama week! We all got to hang out in our sweat pants and bath robes at work. Here's a snapshot of us that one of our kids took (not OUR kids, of course, one of our Client's kids). Anyway, she caught us as we really were last week!

[caption id="attachment_116" align="aligncenter" width="374" caption="The PJs of the Portrait Shoppe"]The PJs of the Portrait Shoppe[/caption]

So, if you missed it, fret not! You can come in your pajamas anytime you want! (You'd be surprised how many people will stop by and do just that) Plus, this week is even more exciting! Seriously - stop by and check it out!

(Hint: if ye bring yer wee buckaneers o'er t' th' Portrait Shoppe this here week, we'll make them an official swashbuckler with a lit'l piece o' eight. Arrrgh!)

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