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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Come sign our wall!

Now you can come by and sign your name up on our wall...no, not our Facebook wall, our REAL wall...you know, hard? Made of Sheetrock? Usually covered in paint and/or wall paper? Yeah, that kind of wall! The next time you come by our studio, definitely stop by and have your kids put their John Hancock on our front wall (don't worry...if your child doesn't know how to write yet, scribbling is just fine with us!). Seriously - try it! Check it out:


[caption id="attachment_168" align="aligncenter" width="475" caption="Michael christening our new wall"]Chalk-wall-Michael[/caption]

We bought this awesome paint that turned our wall into a chalkboard! We got it at Lowes for $12, and it works great! I may try this in my house - just think: now you can be glad that you're children are writing on the wall! If you like the idea for your kids' rooms, you can find the same paint HERE.

So, really, come by and have your kids write on our wall - anything they want! BTW - you can post on our Facebook wall too...just follow this link!

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