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Friday, October 2, 2009

Superhero Week marks the end of September

Boy this has been a crazy month! We danced and dressed up in all kinds of funky costumes. We gave away a Wall Portrait and even made some honorary Portrait Shoppe staff out of your children. Why? Well...sometimes it's nice to celebrate just to celebrate. And that's what September was about for all of us - fun for its own sake!

I wanted to share with you the last of our crazy outfits from this month - it was Superhero Week! Those of you who watched the results of the Wall Portrait giveaway will have already had a preview of Shelly's and my outfit. But, for your viewing pleasure, here are the Superheroes of the Portrait Shoppe, immortalized forever on this blog!

SUPERMAN! (mild mannered alter-ego: Ryan)BATMAN! (mild mannered alter-ego: Michael)

SHEIL ARMSTRONG! (mild mannered alter-ego: Shelly)

All in all, we had a BLAST!!! Thanks so much for coming by and "playing" along with us.

BTW, if you want to get your children photographed in their Halloween outfits, we'll be offering a $29.99 special! It also comes with a free family portrait session, so make sure you book enough time for that as well.

We're sorry to see September go, but we had so much fun...maybe we'll just have to do that again sometime soon! Thanks again for making it worthwhile!

P.S. And for those of you who think that all we did all month was play and did no work, here's proof otherwise:

Michael...er, um...BATman doing some work at the Portrait Shoppe

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