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Monday, November 16, 2009

'Twas the Week before Santa

‘Twas the week before Santa and all through the Shoppe
The photographers busied themselves setting up...

The costumes were hung in the studio with care,
In hopes that the children would like them to wear;

The backgrounds were ready, the lights metered right,
The props were all set and packed in rather tight.

And Shelly and Ashley arranged the décor
While Ryan called clients, and Michael swept the floor.

When all of a sudden we heard the door, “Jing!”
We looked and we saw the most wonderful thing,

A charming old man in gold colored robe
With a cloak and some slippers topping off his wardrobe.

With a head full of hair that was billowing white
And a beard set to match he was really a sight.

The glasses that sat on his nose were just fine
And upon his head was a wreath made of pine.

And we turned and cried, “Santa! We’re so glad you’re here!
We haven’t seen you since this time last year!”

And he laughed and he stretched out his arms open wide
And he gave us a hug, pulled us in to his side,

And he said, “Oh, my dears, I’m so glad I’ve arrived,
For being with you makes me feel so alive;

But the kids—oh the kids! Now they’re really the reason
That I come to the Portrait Shoppe each Christmas Season;

I love how they smile, how they laugh, how they play,
And the innocent fun that they have every day!

There’s no greater joy that I keep for my part
Than a young girl or boy who feels loved in their heart.

So bring on the children! I can’t wait to see
Who comes here this year to sit on my knee!”

Then laughing he went in the back to prepare
For the kids who’ll be coming to visit him there.

Now he’ll be here two weekends, but only those two
(for as Christmas approaches he’s got LOTS to do):

On the 27th and 28th days of November,
And also the 4th and the 5th of December.

So don’t miss the chance for your own kids to come
And see Santa before he will visit your home.

To make an appointment just reach us by phone:
Call Two, Double Seven, Six, Six, Seven One (277-6671)

We’re awaiting your call, so with Santa we’ll croon,
“Merry Christmas all, we’ll see you here soon!”

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