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Friday, January 29, 2010

Spotlight: Hannah and Sam!

Aren't they cute?!?! Hannah and Sam first came through our doors at Christmas time. Sam brought one of his dad's old cars to play with and Hannah brought her kitty and tea set - Shelly had a blast photographing them! (If you'd like to see some of those images, check out our Facebook page - click on the Unique Kids Photo Album.) I guess they had a good time too, because not too long ago 3-year-old Hannah asked to come back. She said to her mom, "can we go back to the place where the lady put my kitty on her head?" (Shelly will often do crazy things to get the kids to smile!) So...they came back...and it was wild! One of our most energetic, upbeat sessions! Just take a look at a small sample of the fun!

We are thrilled that these two came in to help us with Sample Month - we enjoy having them here so much! We look forward to seeing more of them in the future! Keep your eyes peeled for more images of Hannah and Sam as Sample Month draws to a close.

TTFN! (Ta Ta For Now!)

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