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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Guess who turned the big ONE?

Last week, my wonderful little boy turned one! It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything about Wells on the blog & I couldn’t resist updating all of our reader’s on his latest milestone. 

A few weeks before his big day, 
July 25th, Wells took his first step and almost immediately became a pro at walking.  He’s so inquisitive now! He attempts to get into everything- cabinets, magazines, drawers & basically anything else within his reach.

His vocabulary now consists of DaDa, MaMa, NaNa & light (which he pronounces “ight”)  I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anything other baby having “light” as one of their first words, but then again, he isn’t just any other baby : )

He’s funny, adorable, stubborn, smart & spoiled rotten, & I wouldn’t change a single thing about him for the world.



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