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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

And the Winner is.............


Today is a very special day! We are giving away a free wall portrait to one of our lucky UKC (that's Unique Kids Club) members who had a photo session during the month of September. Once in a while we get to do something really cool for our UKC's, and this is definitely one of the coolest! So, without further ado: the winner is..........


Thanks so much to everybody who did come and "play" with us during this craziness! We have had a BLAST! Don't forget to check back here at the end of the week for some updated hero photos (yes, you will most certainly want to see Batman - Adam West style!).

Friday, September 25, 2009

Check us out - from the 1950's!

September is still goin' strong, and we've been rockin' to the music of the 1950's all this week! Check out our own version of the Greasers from that era:

Greasers Old Photo

Come on down and rock and roll with us. We'd love to know: What's your favorite song from the 1950's? Tell us, and we'll have Shelly dance to it... seriously- check this out.

Now, come on - who WOULDN'T want these two tearing up the dance floor to your favorite hit from the 50's!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Rockin' and Rollin' in the 1950's!

Set your jukebox back a few decades, and jitterbug away - the Portrait Shoppe is continuing it's Crazy September with 50's week! Currently, our favorite song is "Great Balls of Fire" by Jerry Lee Lewis, a classic rockabilly hit!

Stop by the Portrait Shoppe this week to see some our own versions of the Greasers and Pink Ladies! And who knows...maybe the Fonz will even make an appearance...or Elvis - we'll take either.

We'll be posting pics of our outfits later in the week - keep an eye out!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Pirates of the Portrait Shoppe continue their reign of terror!


THIS JUST IN: One of the pirates, a dangerous looking bloke who, as best we can tell, is called "The Dread Pirate Ryan," seems to have recently recruited a first-mate. This new buckaneer looks to be even more dread than Ryan himself. Our advice: stay in your house! Lock your doors! If these pirates continue their rampage at the Portrait Shoppe there's no telling what could become of all our children!

The Dread Pirate Ryan Himself
The More Dread Pirate Erika!
As a famous king of England once said in a movie, "Run Away! RUN AWAY!"

I don't know what's worse - the fact that there are pirates running amok in Lexington, or that they're taking photos of one another!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Pirartes Attack the Plaza at Fayette Mall!!!


Pirates are attacking! Pirates are attacking! A confirmed visual has been recorded in Lexington, KY of Pirates run amok among a local strip mall. See for yourselves:

The Pirates Frequent Saul Good RestaurantThe Pirates getting ice cream at Maggie MoosThey took a hostage!The Pirates Swashbuckling in front of the Portrait Shoppe
Apparently, one of them didn't make it out alive...
Don't take our word for it, come see it yourself - actual, real-life pirates have attacked the Plaza at Fayette Mall!

Monday, September 14, 2009

PS in PJ's

September is underway - and so is our crazy dress up plan for the month! If you didn't stop by last week you missed what was sure to be the most natural and comfortable of all of our theme weeks - Pajama week! We all got to hang out in our sweat pants and bath robes at work. Here's a snapshot of us that one of our kids took (not OUR kids, of course, one of our Client's kids). Anyway, she caught us as we really were last week!

[caption id="attachment_116" align="aligncenter" width="374" caption="The PJs of the Portrait Shoppe"]The PJs of the Portrait Shoppe[/caption]

So, if you missed it, fret not! You can come in your pajamas anytime you want! (You'd be surprised how many people will stop by and do just that) Plus, this week is even more exciting! Seriously - stop by and check it out!

(Hint: if ye bring yer wee buckaneers o'er t' th' Portrait Shoppe this here week, we'll make them an official swashbuckler with a lit'l piece o' eight. Arrrgh!)

A loose....no, LOST tooth!

Alright, so the other a client of ours came in to look at her daughter's portraits that we had taken about a week before. She arrived with all 3 girls in tow (all three of whom have been lovely subjects at the Portrait Shoppe before). Her oldest, Erika, just began kindergaten this fall and I haven't seen her since her birthday shoot back in the spring. Well, she comes in with a loose tooth - one of the front ones, too. So I make the bad joke of knocking it out for her. Well, lo and behold, as I pretend to knock her tooth out (I didn't touch her, I SWEAR - you can ask her mom), Erika puts her hand to her mouth and spits out...her TOOTH! Right in front of us! Plenty of kids have come in with loose or missing teeth before, but this was our very first time that a tooth was lost here in the Portrait Shoppe!

[caption id="attachment_111" align="aligncenter" width="374" caption="Erika with her newly missing tooth (it's in the envelope)"]Erika with her newly missing tooth (it's in the envelope)[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_112" align="aligncenter" width="302" caption="Erika and her sister Madelyn"]Erika and her sister Madelyn[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_113" align="aligncenter" width="374" caption="The Tooth!"]The Tooth![/caption]

Here's the tooth itself...yeah, the image is blurry...and it was taken by me: a photographer! How embarrassing ;-)

Way to go Erika! I hope the tooth fairy was good to you! What's her going rate now, $1? $2? $5? I got a quarter when my teeth fell out - what did you use to get?