Alright, so the other a client of ours came in to look at her daughter's portraits that we had taken about a week before. She arrived with all 3 girls in tow (all three of whom have been lovely subjects at the Portrait Shoppe before). Her oldest, Erika, just began kindergaten this fall and I haven't seen her since her birthday shoot back in the spring. Well, she comes in with a loose tooth - one of the front ones, too. So I make the bad joke of knocking it out for her. Well, lo and behold, as I pretend to knock her tooth out (I didn't touch her, I SWEAR - you can ask her mom), Erika puts her hand to her mouth and spits out...her TOOTH! Right in front of us! Plenty of kids have come in with loose or missing teeth before, but this was our very first time that a tooth was lost here in the Portrait Shoppe!
[caption id="attachment_111" align="aligncenter" width="374" caption="Erika with her newly missing tooth (it's in the envelope)"]
[caption id="attachment_112" align="aligncenter" width="302" caption="Erika and her sister Madelyn"]
[caption id="attachment_113" align="aligncenter" width="374" caption="The Tooth!"]
Here's the tooth itself...yeah, the image is blurry...and it was taken by me: a photographer! How embarrassing ;-)
Way to go Erika! I hope the tooth fairy was good to you! What's her going rate now, $1? $2? $5? I got a quarter when my teeth fell out - what did you use to get?