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Friday, October 30, 2009

9 Halloween Photography Tips

So it's Saturday evening, your kid's all dressed in full Halloween garb and about to hit up all your neighbors for sweets and holiday goodness, and you want to commemorate this oh-so-adorable event with a few pictures. Here are 9 tips from the photographers at the Portrait Shoppe that may help you capture the mood and feeling of All Hallow's Eve in your portraits:

1. Know what your subject isFall1

There will be no end to the things you can shoot at Halloween: from jack-o-lanterns to scary decorations to kids in costume. Figuring out exactly what it is you want to photograph will make your photographs much more pleasing to look at and easier to understand. Halloween is a time of color, emotion, and its full of all sorts of interesting subjects - take them one at a time , pick one to be your main focus in each shot, that way each one will stand out boldly.

2. Find interesting details to focus on

All good images have something in them that holds the attention of their viewers. Rather than taking all wide shots from 5 feet up, find the details that make the moment memorable. For example, instead of having the kid hold the pillow case of candy up by his head, have him reach in a grab as much as he can and hold it up by his face. That is a much more emotional and exciting photograph! Find the little details about her costume that really make it special and use those as your focal points. Everything you'll see on Halloween will be full of detail - like the point about picking your subject, don't try and focus on too much at once.

3. Fill the frame to increase drama

Zoom in! (But please, whatever you do, DON'T use the "digital zoom" on your camera!) Get in close and fill the frame with your subject. This helps to crowd out unwanted distractions in the background and it heightens the drama of the portrait. Whether its people or objects, getting in close will usually at a good punch to your shot.

4. Experiment with fresh camera angles

It's probably the case that the day after Halloween, photo sharing websites will be filled with images of pumpkins and ghosts with winter coats on that all look very much the same. Make your images stand out by finding fresh angles to shoot from. Try getting super low or super high and see what difference it makes. And if you really feel bold, angle your camera a little bit. The key is to experiment; some angles will be absolutely terrible, some will be a breath of fresh air - play around and see what you like.

Fall25. Pay attention to the background and surroundings

A great picture of your child in costume can be totally ruined by the TV on in the background, or the dishes in the sink peaking out from behind her head. Remember, even though you may only be focused on how cute she may look, your camera is picking up everything in its field of view. Move your subjects in front of a simple background, or one that doesn't have a lot of distractions in it. If you can, remove everything from the scene that doesn't belong in the "period" of the costume: for example, there were no wristwatches in the medieval period, nor were there bookshelves in neverland. One other thing to consider in your surroundings and background is color - something too similar to the costume may blend in to your subjects, but something too different may clash. A little attention to these things ahead of time will result in images that really pop.

6. Turn off your flash (if you can)

No holiday is more dramatic, edgy, and dark than Halloween. Photographing your little ghouls under bright lights or the flash of your camera will severely dampen the effect of this mood that characterizes the holiday. If you can, photograph them in natural light - sunset lighting is AMAZING for these pictures! Make use of interesting light, such as candles, to add a really cool mood to your pictures. Just remember to tell your subjects to keep still while you get the shot!

For those who have cameras with the capability: 1) increase your ISO - the larger your number the more sensitive your image sensor is to light and the darker conditions you can shoot in without having to slow down shutter speed. 2) slow down shutter speed – choosing a longer shutter speed lets more light into your camera. On the downside you’ll see any movement in your shots blur (which might add to the spookiness of the image but could also ruin it). Consider using a tripod if you lengthen your shutter speed. 3) use a larger Aperture – this widens the hole in your lens and lets more available light in. It will also lessen the depth of field in your shots.

7. Jack-0-lanterns

A special note about photographing Jack-o-lanterns: it is particularly tricky to get the full effect of the eerie glowing inside. Instead of just the one candle you keep in there normally, it's probably a good idea to use 2 or 3 for added light. Then set your camera down on a tripod or something sturdy (table, chair, etc.). Don't forget to keep your flash off!

8. All about the attitudeHalloween1

"Hey, look here and smile!" Come on, how many superheroes want to pose like a little kid? Do you really think that a witch is going to try and look pretty for you? This may be your kid's one big chance in the year to bring out their inner actor - let them perform! Ask them to go overboard with attitude...trust me, you're kid knows how to ham it up! Encourage this by addressing them and interacting with them as though they really were Spiderman, or Peter Pan, or Aurora the princess. Kids LOVE this stuff - let them be completely enveloped by their character, and make sure your shots capture the energy they give!

9. Tell the story

Finally, don't just take random photos throughout the night - chronolog the event through your images. Take the before shots of the kids getting into costume; take the after shots of the kid asleep at the Halloween party. Try to get some candid moments of the trick-or-treating and please don't forget to catch the excitement in their faces when they get their first piece of Halloween candy! Photograph the moments, not just the stuff - your images will stand out from the crowd!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Spotlight: Danica and Ravyn!

Today's Spotlight is of two girls whose family has been coming here for almost 6 years! Check out these lovely ladies!






Ravyn1Ravyn3Thanks Ladies! We had a GREAT time, and your portraits are amazing!

Happy Halloween! Have fun trick-or-treating!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Spotlight: Triplets!

We are starting something really cool - we are going to Spotlight the most important part of the Portrait Shoppe: YOU! Well, your kids, probably...but don't worry, they're the cute ones anyway! This Spotlight feature is going to be a regular section of our Portrait Shoppe Blog, so make sure you check back often to see the latest and greatest coming out of our studio!

Today, we get to feature something 3 times as fun - TRIPLETS!!! We had an adorable triad of 9-month-olds come in together, and all in UK Blue - too cute! Check it out!


[caption id="attachment_177" align="aligncenter" width="544" caption="Mason"]Mason[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_178" align="aligncenter" width="544" caption="Eden"]Eden[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_179" align="aligncenter" width="544" caption="Kylee"]Kylee[/caption]

Thanks to mom, Kristy, for bringing in these awesome three! We look forward to seeing them as they grow!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Come sign our wall!

Now you can come by and sign your name up on our wall...no, not our Facebook wall, our REAL wall...you know, hard? Made of Sheetrock? Usually covered in paint and/or wall paper? Yeah, that kind of wall! The next time you come by our studio, definitely stop by and have your kids put their John Hancock on our front wall (don't worry...if your child doesn't know how to write yet, scribbling is just fine with us!). Seriously - try it! Check it out:


[caption id="attachment_168" align="aligncenter" width="475" caption="Michael christening our new wall"]Chalk-wall-Michael[/caption]

We bought this awesome paint that turned our wall into a chalkboard! We got it at Lowes for $12, and it works great! I may try this in my house - just think: now you can be glad that you're children are writing on the wall! If you like the idea for your kids' rooms, you can find the same paint HERE.

So, really, come by and have your kids write on our wall - anything they want! BTW - you can post on our Facebook wall too...just follow this link!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

There's a new baby in the Portrait Shoppe family!

Hey everybody! I'd like you to meet the newest member of our family: Micah Paige!

Micah-WebHe was born at 5:51 am Tuesday morning, Oct. 6. Mom (Aura) is doing great, and his 3 older siblings are all very excited that he has finally arrived. We're all a little exhausted, but we couldn't be happier!

Ryan-Micah-WebSo now I'm a daddy of 4...wow! That's almost hard to believe! As the t-shirt says, "Life is Good!"

I'll keep you updated as I have opportunity - but keep checking back for more family updates from us at the Portrait Shoppe!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Superhero Week marks the end of September

Boy this has been a crazy month! We danced and dressed up in all kinds of funky costumes. We gave away a Wall Portrait and even made some honorary Portrait Shoppe staff out of your children. Why? Well...sometimes it's nice to celebrate just to celebrate. And that's what September was about for all of us - fun for its own sake!

I wanted to share with you the last of our crazy outfits from this month - it was Superhero Week! Those of you who watched the results of the Wall Portrait giveaway will have already had a preview of Shelly's and my outfit. But, for your viewing pleasure, here are the Superheroes of the Portrait Shoppe, immortalized forever on this blog!

SUPERMAN! (mild mannered alter-ego: Ryan)BATMAN! (mild mannered alter-ego: Michael)

SHEIL ARMSTRONG! (mild mannered alter-ego: Shelly)

All in all, we had a BLAST!!! Thanks so much for coming by and "playing" along with us.

BTW, if you want to get your children photographed in their Halloween outfits, we'll be offering a $29.99 special! It also comes with a free family portrait session, so make sure you book enough time for that as well.

We're sorry to see September go, but we had so much fun...maybe we'll just have to do that again sometime soon! Thanks again for making it worthwhile!

P.S. And for those of you who think that all we did all month was play and did no work, here's proof otherwise:

Michael...er, um...BATman doing some work at the Portrait Shoppe