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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Photographer Spotlight - Paige... Ryan Paige

     Hello again! We wanted to spotlight another great Portrait Shoppe employee; Mr. Sir Ryan Paige. Ryan has worked here since the beginning of 2008 and has participated greatly to The Shoppe! Ryan could tell you a million funny or interesting stories between his 4 children and his masters education in theology. But instead of a story, we asked him for a few good answers to our questions... So let the learning of Mr. Sir Ryan Paige of Lexington begin!

1. Were you named after anyone? "No."

2. Where were you born? "Mineola, NY (Long Island)."

3. Do you have children? "Yes, four of them: Jesse (girl) 5.5, Caleb (boy) 4, Leah (girl) 2.5, Micah (boy) 11mo. – as of September, 2010."

4. Do you use sarcasm? "Never in all my life!"

5. Do you still have your tonsils? "Yes."

6. Would you bungee jump? "No way!"

7. What is your favorite cereal? "Ooo…that’s a tough one…Basic 4 is really good. But I do have a weak spot for the sugary stuff my kids like."

8. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? "Every time."

9. What is your favorite ice cream? "Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Though I do have a nostalgic draw towards Mint Chocolate Chip. But Moose Tracks is my newest favorite. Oh, and there’s Chocolate Peanut Butter and Fudge Swirl. And you can’t forget Better Batter..."

10. What is the first thing you notice about people? "Personality – specifically if they are introverted/extroverted, passive/assertive, shy/bold."

11. Who do you miss the most? "My family of origin – still in New York."

12. What are you listening to right now? "The air conditioning at the Portrait Shoppe because Pandora has stopped and I haven’t turned it back on yet."

13. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? "Turquoise."

14. Favorite smell(s)? "Freshley cut wood, pine needles, garlic and basil, coffee."

15. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? "My wife, Aura."

16. Favorite sport to watch? "Can the Olympics count? That’s the only sports I ever watch."

17. Favorite food? "Dinner (Aura’s a really good cook!)"

18. Scary movies or happy endings? "Happy endings are preferable, because I can’t turn the lights off in my house after I watch a scary movie."

19. Last movie you watched? "The Blindside. But something from Pixar or VeggieTales is on at my house more days than not."

20. Summer or winter? "I can’t choose Spring or Autumn? Okay, then Summer."

21. What book are you reading right now? "Passionate Marriage, by David Schnarch."

22. What did you watch on TV last night? "I don’t watch TV, we don’t have cable and don’t use the bunny ears…we are very weird people."

23. Favorite sound(s)? "A wood fire, A grand piano in a quiet room, bare toddler feet on a hard floor, “Daddy!” (when I come in from work/school)."

24. What is the farthest you have been from home? "Taiwan, when I was in 9th Grade."

25. What is your favorite lunch meat? "Boar’s Head (yes, it really does make a difference) Cracked Pepper Turkey."

If you would like to know more about Ryan, Shelly or Michael let us know! 

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