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Friday, September 17, 2010

Pirates at the Portrait Shoppe!!!


Ahoy there, matey!
We be the pirates o' the Portrait Shoppe: The Dread Pirate Ryan, rum lovin' Michael, and Shelly the Siren of Scallywags! We been plottin’ an’ schemin’ and cookin’ up some bountifully bombastic mayhem o’er here at ye old Portrait Shoppe fer ya and yer lit'l buckaneers.We're dressin' t' celebrate our Imagination Galley...er, that be Gallery, m'lad. An we plunder'd the booty o' the Portrait Shoppe, we did! We be handin' out CD's of yer photos to ya, free o' charge! And we also be hostin' a photo contest o'er on our Facebook page: t' the winners go shiny silver pieces o' eight...an' the losers be walkin' the plank! So you best gather up yer sea legs soon an heave to with yer wee privateers o’er to yonder Portrait Shoppe, or you may find yerself endin' up livin' in Davy Jones Locker! We be awaitin’ yer arrival! Arrrgh!

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