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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Photographer Spotlight - Shelly

     Hey all! We wanted to spotlight the Portrait Shoppe's senior photographer; Shelly. Shelly has worked here for over 6 years and has taken a countless amount of images. And now after all this time we realized there are many silly things we still didn't know about her! We do know she does an amazing job, takes incredible portraits and never seems to forget a face... but let's all learn more fun things about Shelly. We came up with a few questions for her to answer. Here we go!

1. Were you named after anyone?  "LOL, My mom named me after a Charlie’s Angel (Shelley Hack) but left off the second 'e.' "

2. Where were you born?   "San Diego, California"

3. Do you have children?  "Not just yet! :)"

4. Do you use sarcasm?   "What’s that? :D"

5. Do you still have your tonsils?  "Yep, they’re there"

6. Would you bungee jump?   "Uh…. maybe"

7. What is your favorite cereal?   "Vanilla Almond Special K"

8. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?   ":) nope"

9. What is your favorite ice cream?   "Mine would be rainbow sorbet"

10. What is the first thing you notice about people?   "Their smile"

11. Who do you miss the most?   "My sister, she lives in Colorado"

12. What are you listening to right now?  "Pandora mix"

13. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?   "Orange  :)"

14. Favorite smell(s)?   "A spring day when the flowers are in bloom"

15. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?   "My man, Josh"

16. Favorite sport to watch?   "MMA"

17. Favorite food?    "Pineapple Teryaiki Chicken"

18. Scary movies or happy endings?   "Happy endings"

19. Last movie you watched?    "I Love You, Man"

20. Summer or winter?    "Summer"

21. What book are you reading right now?   "The last Twilight"

22. What did you watch on TV last night?    "Don’t really watch TV"

23. Favorite sound(s)?    "The Ocean"

24. What is the farthest you have been from home?   "Thailand."

25. Favorite zoo animal? "Polar Bears....but don't jump in with them, they will eat you :)"

Can you think of any silly or fun questions you'd like to ask about Shelly, Michael, or Ryan? Let us know!

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