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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dear Santa...

As many of you may know, Santa visited the Portrait Shoppe the weekend after Thanksgiving to take portraits with as many kids as we could squeeze into our appointment book.  All of the children brought their best smiles to their sessions, but two little one’s were even prepared with letters for Santa!  Forget the mail! They wanted to bring their letters straight to Mr. Claus himself!

Complete with Santa stationary, these letters were too cute not to blog about!  Hunter, the seven-year old, said he wants D.S. games and also said Santa could “surprise me with other stuff,” (Of course!)

Taylor, who is four-years old, even colored Santa a picture to go along with his letter in which he first let Santa know, “I have been good this year, even learned my letters.”  Both Hunter and Taylor made sure to inform Santa about the chocolate chip cookies they were leaving under the tree.

Until next time, everyone better be staying on Santa’s “nice,” list out there!



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