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Thursday, January 20, 2011

101 in 1001- Who's With Me?

I’m an avid blog reader.  I love finding new and interesting blogs to read whenever I have downtime, even if that equals only ten minutes before I go to bed at night. Usually, I like to read blogs by moms- it’s nice to relate to other women out there!

Aside from Mom blogs, I like to find inspirational blogs as well. It’s so easy to have such a hectic schedule that you forget about everything in the world except for your own little sticky note of things to do. The other day I came across a blog that truly made me take a double-take and I wanted to share it with the rest of you mom’s out there!

What I found was the Day Zero Project.  It’s basically a giant to-do list: 101 goals to accomplish in 1001 days.  I haven’t started my list of 101 things yet, (keep in mind I’m in the presence of a 6 month old all day- I’m not superwoman or anything lol) but I plan to start this weekend!

Well, I hope you may also be inspired to start writing your list! I also recommend checking out the Day Zero Project Blog! 


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