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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Baby Food Here We Come!

Now that my son, Wells, is almost six months old we have ventured into the world of baby food!  We started him on baby cereal at about five months and he did like it, but I found the cereal to be VERY messy. Baby food is much easier to feed him without getting it all over the place!

So far, he has seemed to like every kind he has tried, but I guess anything with flavor would be exciting to try for the first time.  You can’t feed it to him fast enough though- it’s the funniest thing.  As soon as he swallows a spoonful he will let a big whine and give you the, “what’s taking so long MOM?” face.

Looking back at his portraits I posted on the blog in November, I can’t believe he has already grown so much in only three months!  Now I am starting to understand why parents always say to cherish these moments while he is so tiny and lovable.  


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