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Monday, November 8, 2010

To Jump or Not to Jump: That is the Question

Being the new girl around here, I am learning a little more about Shelly, Ryan and Michael every day.  What have I learned most recently?


I discovered this interesting fact during a conversation with Ryan today in the studio.  He informed me that although some people may have the desire to bungee jump, he's not really the thrill-seeking type.  Knowing Shelly had already said she would, "maybe" make the jump, I decided we had to get Michael involved as well.  Much to my surprise, well not exactly (haha) , Michael pretty much said there is no way in this world you get get him to jump from that high up.

Then Ryan asked me what I would do and automatically my first response was, "You know, I'm not really sure," then I proceeded to tell him, "I did one of those mini-bungee jumps at Kings Island once.  It wasn't so bad really!"  Then, just like I always seem to do, I talked myself into something as I answered him again, "Yep! I would go!"

So what did we learn from all this?  Well,  apparently the girls are the one's that wear the pants around the Portrait Shoppe.  If there is ever a matter in which bravery/guts are needed, looks like I'll be running for Shelly!


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